Dissertation “A Framework for Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering – further informations under the following link epub.jku.at
SustainScrum integriert Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen direkt in den agilen Entwicklungsprozess.
Quantencomputing bietet Lösungen für hochkomplexe Probleme und treibt Innovationen in Bereichen wie Medizin, Logistik und Finanzen voran.
Project staff member – pre-doc, with diploma/master’s degree Joint LIT Research Project “AI SEARCH AUDIT” of the Institute of Innovation Management & Institute of Business Informatics – Software Engineering.
Prof. Manuel Wimmer, Institute of Business Informatics – Software Engineering and Prof. Alexander Egyed, Institute of Software Systems Engineering organized the ACM / IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2024), September 22-27, 2024, at the JKU Linz.