Capturing, sharing, and reusing architectural knowledge, models for software architecture knowledge, facilitating context information, building a software architecture knowledge-base.
Software Architecture
Duration: 2012 - Ongoing
Models, methods and tools for software architecture management and utilization, extracting high-level architecture models directly from the code, support for manual and automatic architecture analysis, synchronization with enterprise information repositories
Software Architecture
Duration: 2008 - Ongoing
Integration of variability management with software architecture models and tools.
Software Architecture
Duration: 2012 - 2014
Lightweight software product line engineering for companies operating in the ERP domain.
Software Architecture
Duration: 2011 - 2014
Concepts and tools for enterprise information system architectures, especially for presentation-level Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and for versioning and governance of enterprise information systems based on Service-Oriented Software Architecture (SOA).
Software Architecture
Duration: 2004 - 2007
Highly adaptable distributed system architectures through combining component-based and agent-based software architectures. Native code management, versioning, and generic component UIs. Facilitated for remote supervision of process control systems.
Software Architecture
Duration: 1999 - 2003
Frameworks for object-based inter-process communication (IPC), pluggable protocols, application configuration and management, framework and tools for monitoring of distributed systems, application for distributed process control and cooperative software development.
Software Architecture
Duration: 1994 - 1998


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