Medical devices often depend on software and increasingly communicate. How secure are they?
Duration: 2013 - Ongoing
COSMOS - COntextualization of Software MethOds in the context of a Sustainable Intercultural Healthcare Platform.
Duration: 2017 - 2020
TEMACC - Technology Enabled Maternal and Child Health Care in Ethiopia
Duration: 2017 - 2020
Design and implementation of technical procedures for confusion recognition, alongside a clinical study with affected patients. Methods and developed tools are evaluated in terms of reliability, practical application, and economic viability.
Duration: 2016 - 2017


  • Renewed Accreditation for Business Informatics at the JKU

    The resulting seal of approval certifies that these academic degree programs are of high educational quality. These degree programs are the only internationally accredited university degree program in Business Informatics in Austria.

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