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M. Vierhauser, I. Groher, T. Antensteiner, C. Sauerwein: Towards Integrating Emerging AI Applications in SE Education, In Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2024), July 29 - August 1, 2024, Würzburg, Germany. link
Conference Article
R. Plösch, I. Groher, A. Hofer: Competence-based Assessment of Programming Assignments, In Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2024), July 29 - August 1, 2024, Würzburg, Germany.
Conference Article
I. Groher, M. Vierhauser, E. Hartl: A Learning Analytics Dashboard for Improved Learning Outcomes and Diversity in Programming Classes, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024), May 2-4, 2024, Angers, France. Doi: 10.5220/0012735000003693
Conference Article
M. Vierhauser, I. Groher, C. Sauerwein, T. Antensteiner, S. Hatmanstorfer: Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework, In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024), May 2-4, 2024, Angers, France. Doi: 10.5220/0012744400003693
Conference Article
P. Bambazek, T. Hofer, I. Groher: Scrum Sustainability Poker: Assessing the Sustainability Effects of User Stories in Agile Software Development, 30th International Working Conference on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2024), Posters and Tools Track, Winterthur, Switzerland, April 8-11, 2024. pdf
Conference Article
P. Bambazek, I. Groher: Integrating the Sustainability Awareness Framework in Undergraduate Software Engineering Education, 30th International Working Conference on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2024), Education and Training Track, Winterthur, Switzerland, April 8-11, 2024. pdf
Conference Article

M. Nöbauer, D. Dhungana, I. Groher: Quality Assurance in Low-code Applications, 30th EuroSPI² 2023, Grenoble, France, August 30 - September 01, 2023. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-42307-9\_3
Conference Article
P. Bambazek, I. Groher, N. Seyff: Application of the Sustainability Awareness Framework in Agile Software Development, 31st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, Industrial Innovation, Hannover, Germany, September 4-8, 2023. Doi: 10.1109/RE57278.2023.00034
Conference Article
P. Bambazek, I. Groher, N. Seyff, "Requirements Engineering Knowledge as a Foundation for a Sustainability-Aware Scrum Framework, 2023 IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), Hannover, Germany, September 4-8, 2023, pp. 311-316 Doi: 10.1109/RE57278.2023.00041 .
Conference Article
P. Bambazek, I. Groher, N. Seyff: Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Software Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study, in Journal Requirements Engineering, Volume 28, pages 481-505, 2023 Doi: 10.1007/s00766-023-00402-1.
Journal Article
M. Rottenhofer, C. Hörmann, E. Schmidthaler, B. Sabitzer, I. Groher: Let IT Dance! Experience Computer Science with Dance and Music, Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023 (ACSC2023), Volume 442, JKU Linz, Austria, April 19-21, 2023. Doi: 10.22323/1.442.0008
Conference Article
C. Sauerwein, T. Antensteiner, S. Oppl, I. Groher, A. Meschtscherjakov, P. Zech, R. Breu: Towards a Success Model for Automated Programming Assessment Systems, In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), July 10-12, 2023, Turku, Finland. Doi: 10.1145/3587102.3588848
Conference Article
C. Sauerwein, R. Breu, S. Oppl, I. Groher, T. Antensteiner, S. Podlipnig, R. Prodan: CodeAbility Austria – Digital gestützte Programmierausbildung an österreichischen Universitäten, In Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, Bd. 18 Nr. Sonderheft Hochschullehre, April 2023, pp. 99-115. Doi: 10.3217/zfhe-SH-HL/06
Journal Article
C. Kohlbacher, M. Vierhauser, I.Groher: Common Code Quality Issues of Novice Java Programmers: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Assignments, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2, CSEDU, April 21-23, 2023, Prag, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-989-758-641-5, ISSN 2184-5026, pp. 349-356, pdf.
Conference Article

P. Bambazek, I. Groher, N. Seyff: Sustainability in Agile Software Development: A Survey Study among Practitioners, 8th International Conference on ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S 2022), June 13-17, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, pp. 13-23, 2022. Doi: 10.1109/ICT4S55073.2022.00013
Conference Article
T. Deutsch, S. Hinterhölzl, I.Groher: A Game-Based Learning App for Primary School Children with German as a Second Language, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU, April 22-24, 2022, online, Volume 1, ISBN 978-989-758-562-3, ISSN 2184-5026, pages 556-561, DOI: 10.5220/0011126300003182
Conference Article
S. Hinterplattner, M. Rottenhofer, I.Groher, B. Sabitzer: Exploring Students' Experiences and Perceptions of Computer Science: A Survey in Austrian Secondary Schools, In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU, April 22-24, 2022, online, Volume 2, ISBN 978-989-758-562-3, ISSN 2184-5026, pages 238-247, 2022, DOI: 10.5220/0011049000003182
Conference Article
I. Groher, M. Vierhauser, B. Sabitzer, L. Kuka, A. Hofer, D. Muster: Exploring Diversity in Introductory Programming Classes: An Experience Report, 44th International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSE2022-SEET), May 21-29, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2022. Doi: 10.1145/3510456.3514155
Conference Article

J. Gerstlacher, I. Groher, R. Plösch: Green und Sustainable Software im Kontext von Software Qualitätsmodellen, in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2021, Doi: 10.1365/s40702-021-00821-0.
Journal Article
B. Sabitzer, I. Groher, C. Hörmann, A. Hofer: Toward the Implementation of Escape Room Games in an Educational Context, 15th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2021), Brighton, UK, September 23-24, 2021. DOI:10.34190/GBL.21.125
Conference Article
A. Hofer and I. Groher: Introducing Gamification in Introductory Programming Courses, 15th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2021), Brighton, UK, September 23-24, 2021. DOI:10.34190/GBL.21.128
Conference Article
K. Schmid, R. Rabiser, M. Becker, M. Galster, I. Groher, D. Weyns: Bridging the Gap: Voices from Industry and Research on Industrial Relevance of SPLC, 25th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2021), Leicester, United Kingdom, September 6-11, 2021. Doi:10.1145/3461001.3474301
Conference Article
C. Hörmann, M. Rottenhofer, I. Groher, B. Sabitzer: Let the Games Begin - Inviting Young Learners to Code, ITiCSE 2021 – 26th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Paderborn, Germany, June 26-July 1, 2021.Doi:10.1145/3456565.3460074 
Conference Article
I. Groher, B. Sabitzer, L. Kuka, H. Demarle-Meusel, A. Hofer: Work-in-Progress: Closing the Gaps - Diversity in Programming Education, IEEE EDUCON2021 – IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, Vienna, Austria, virtual event, April 21-23, doi:2021.10.1109/EDUCON46332.2021.9454035
Conference Article

C. Kröhn, I. Groher, B. Sabitzer, L. Kuka: Female Computer Scientists Needed: Approaches For Closing The Gender Gap, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2020), Uppsala, Sweden, virtual event, October 21-24, 2020. doi:10.1109/FIE44824.2020.9273933 
Conference Article
B. Sabitzer, I. Groher, H. Demarle-Meusel, J. Sametinger: COOL Programming - Improving Introductory Programming Education through Cooperative Open Learning, 9th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT 2020), Oxford, United Kingdom, February 11-13, 2020. doi:10.1145/3383923.3383943
Conference Article
X. Franch, N. Seyff, M. O. Hilari, S. A. Fricker, I. Groher, M. Vierhauser, M. Wimmer: Towards Integrating Data-Driven Requirements Engineering into the Software Development Process: A Vision Paper, In: Madhavji N., Pasquale L., Ferrari A., Gnesi S. (eds) Requirements Engineering, Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2020), 26th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering, Pisa, Italy, March 24-27, 2020, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 12045, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-44429-7_10
Conference Article

R. Bekele, T. Biru, J. Sametinger, I. Groher, C. Floyd, G. Pomberger: Adapting Ethnography for Design Research: Lessons Learnt form Design of Mobile Systems for Rural Health Care in Ethiopia, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019), Munich, Germany, December 15-18, 2019. pdf
Conference Article
I. Groher, N. Seyff, T. Iqbal: Towards Automatically Identifying Potential Sustainability Effects of Requirements, 8th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems (RE4SuSy), 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'19), Jeju Island, South Korea, Sept 23-27, 2019. paper
Workshop Article
R. Rabiser, K. Schmid, M. Becker, G. Botterweck, M. Galster, I. Groher, D. Weyns: Industrial and Academic Software Product Line Research at SPLC: Perceptions of the Community, 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2019), Paris, France, Sept 9-13, 2019. doi:10.1145/3336294.3336310
Conference Article
B. Sabitzer, I. Groher, J. Sametinger: COOL: Cooperative Open Learning for Beginning Programmers, 24th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2019), Aberdeen, Scotland, July 12-17, 2019. doi.org/10.1145/3304221.3325569
Conference Article
R. Bekele, I. Groher, J. Sametinger, T. Biru, C. Floyd, G. Pomberger, P. Oppelt: User-centered Design in Developing Countries – A Case Study of a Sustainable Intercultural Healthcare Platform in Ethiopia, Symposium on Software Engineering in Africa (SEiA 2019), colocated with ICSE 2019, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 25 - June 1, 2019. doi:10.1109/SEIA.2019.00010
Conference Article

N. Seyff, S. Betz, I. Groher, M. Stade, R. Chitchyan, L. Duboc, B. Penzenstadler, C. Venters, C. Becker: Crowd Focused Semi-Automated Requirements Engineering for Evolution Towards Sustainability, 26 IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2018), Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 20-24, 2018. doi.org/10.1109/RE.2018.00-23
Conference Article
M. Nöbauer, I. Groher, N. Seyff: Feature-Based Reuse in the ERP Domain: An Industrial Case Study, 22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden, September 10-14, 2018, doi.org/10.1145/3233027.3233051
Conference Article
R. Rabiser, K. Schmid, M. Becker, G. Botterweck, M. Galster, I. Groher, D. Weyns: A Study and Comparison of Industrial vs. Academic Software Product Line Research Published at SPLC, 22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden, September 10-14, 2018 doi.org/10.1145/3233027.3233028
Conference Article

I. Groher, R. Weinreich: An Interview Study on Sustainability Concerns in Software Development Projects, 43rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2017, Vienna, Austria, August 30-September 1, 2017. doi: 10.1109/SEAA.2017.70.
Conference Article
R. Bashroush, M. Garba, R. Rabiser, I. Groher, G. Botterweck: CASE Tool Support for Variability Management in Software Product Lines, ACM Computing Surveys 50, 1, Article 14, 45 pages, March 2017. doi:10.1145/3034827.
Journal Article
R. Chitchyan, I. Groher, J. Noppen: Uncovering Sustainability Concerns in Software Product Lines, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, Volume 29, Issue 2, February 2017. doi:10.1002/smr.1853.
Journal Article

R. Weinreich, I. Groher: The Architect's Role in Practice: From Decision-maker to Knowledge Manager?, IEEE Software, Issue No. 06, Vol. 33, November/December, 2016. doi:10.1109/MS.2016.143.
Journal Article
R. Weinreich, I. Groher: The Architect's Role in Practice: From Decision-maker to Knowledge Manager?, IEEE Software, Issue No. 06, Vol. 33, November/December, 2016. doi:10.1109/MS.2016.143.
Journal Article
R. Weinreich, I. Groher: Software architecture knowledge management approaches and their support for knowledge management activities: A systematic literature review, Information and Software Technology, Volume 80, pp. 265-286, Elsevier, December 2016. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2016.09.007.
Journal Article
I. Groher, R. Weinreich, G. Buchgeher, R. Schossleitner: Reusable Architecture Variants for Customer-Specific Automation Solutions, 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2016), Beijing, China, September 16-23, ACM, 2016. doi: 10.1145/2934466.2934492.
Conference Article

I. Groher, R. Weinreich: Collecting Requirements and Ideas for Architectural Group Decision-Making Based on Four Approaches, 9th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2015), Dubrovnik/Cavtat, Croatia, September 7-11, 2015, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23727-5_15.
Conference Article
R. Weinreich, I. Groher, C. Miesbauer: An Expert Survey on Kinds, Influence Factors and Documentation of Design Decisions in Practice, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 47, pp. 145-160, available online December 9, 2014, published June 2015, doi:10.1016/j.future.2014.12.002.
Journal Article
R. Chitchyan, J. Noppen, I. Groher: Sustainability in Software Product Lines: Report on Discussion Panel at SPLC 2014, May 2015 arXiv:1505.03736
R. Chitchyan, J. Noppen, I. Groher: What can Software Engineering Do for Sustainability: Case of Software Product Lines, 5th International Workshop on Product LinE Approaches in Software Engineering (PLEASE 2015), 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015), Florence, Italy, May 16-24, 2015.
Workshop Article
I. Groher, R. Weinreich: A Study on Architectural Decision-Making in Context, 12th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 2015), pp. 11-20, Montreal, Canada, May 4-8, 2015, doi: 10.1109/WICSA.2015.27
Conference Article
I. Groher, R. Weinreich: Variability Support in Architecture Knowledge Management Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review, 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015), pp. 5393-5402, Kauai, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2015, doi:10.1109/HICSS.2015.634
Conference Article

M. Nöbauer, N. Seyff, I. Groher: Inferring Variability from Customized Standard Software Products, 18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2014), Florence, Italy, September 15-19, 2014, pp. 284-293, doi:10.1145/2648511.2648544.
Conference Article
R. Chitchyan, J. Noppen, I. Groher: Sustainability in Software Product Lines. 18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2014), pp. 367-367, Florence, Italy, September, 2014, doi:10.1145/2648511.2655956.
Conference Article
R. Weinreich, I. Groher: A Fresh Look at Codification Approaches for SAKM: A Systematic Literature Review, 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2014), LNCS 8627, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 1-16, Vienna, Austria, August 25-29, 2014, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09970-5_1.
Conference Article
M. Nöbauer, N. Seyff, I. Groher: Similarity Analysis within Product Line Scoping: An Evaluation of a Semi-Automatic Approach, 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2014), LNCS 8484, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16-20, 2014, pp. 165-179 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07881-6_12.
Conference Article
M. Macedonia, I. Groher, F. Roithmayr: Intelligent Virtual Agents as Language Trainers Facilitate Multilingualism, Front. Psychol. 5:295, 2014, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00295.
Journal Article

I. Groher, R. Weinreich: Strategies for Aligning Variability Model and Architecture, 20th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2013), Bangkok, Thailand, December 2-5, 2013, pp. 511-516 doi:10.1109/APSEC.2013.73.
Conference Article
I. Groher, R. Weinreich: Supporting Variability Management in Architecture Design and Implementation, 46th Hawaii Int'l Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013), Maui, Wailea, HI / USA, January, 2013, doi:10.1109/HICSS.2013.505.
Conference Article
D. Dhungana, I. Groher, E. Schludermann, S. Biffl: Guiding Principles of Natural Ecosystems and their Applicability to Software Ecosystems, In Slinger Jansen, Michael Cusumano, & Sjaak Brinkkemper (Eds.), Software Ecosystems: Analyzing and Managing Business Networks in the Software Industry. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2013, Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 9781781955628.
Book Chapter

M. Nöbauer, N. Seyff, I. Groher, D. Dhungana: A Lightweight Approach For Product Line Scoping, 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2012),Cesme Izmir, Turkey, September 5-8, 2012, pp. 105-108 doi:10.1109/SEAA.2012.81.
Conference Article
I. Groher, R. Weinreich: Integrating Variability Management and Software Architecture, 2012 Joint Working Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA-ECSA 2012), Helsinki, Finland, August 20-24, 2012, pp. 262-266 doi:10.1109/WICSA-ECSA.212.42.
Conference Article

I. Groher, L. Fiege, Ch. Elsner, Ch. Schwanninger, M. Voelter: Solution-Driven Software Product Line Engineering, Awais Rashid, Jean-Claude Royer, Andreas Rummler (Eds.): Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Software Product Lines The AMPLE Way. ISBN 978-0521767224, 2011, pp. 316-344, Cambridge University Press.
Book Chapter
Ch. Elsner, I. Groher, L. Fiege, M. Voelter: Model-Driven Engineering Support for Product Line Engineering, Awais Rashid, Jean-Claude Royer, Andreas Rummler (Eds.): Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Software Product Lines The AMPLE Way. ISBN 978-0521767224, 2011, pp. 197-221, Cambridge University Press.
Book Chapter

I. Groher, A. Egyed: Selective and Consistent Undoing of Model Changes, 13 th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Oslo, Norway, pp 123-137, October 3-8, 2010.
Conference Article
I. Groher, A. Egyed. Selective and Consistent Undoing of Model Changes. 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2010), pp. 123-137, Oslo, 
Norway, October, 2010, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16129-2_10
Conference Article
D. Dhungana, I. Groher, E. Schludermann, S. Biffl, Software Ecosystems vs. Natural Ecosystems: Learning from the Ingenious Mind of Nature, 2nd Workshop on Software Ecosystems, 4th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2010), Copenhagen, Denmark, August, 2010, pp. 96-102 doi:10.1145/1842752.1842777
Workshop Article
I. Groher, Ch. Schwanninger, M.Voelter, Model-Driven Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering: An Industrial Case Study. Applied Software Product Line Engineering, K. C. Kang et al. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 447-475, ISBN 978-1420068412, 2010
Book Chapter
I. Groher, A.Reder, A. Egyed. Incremental Consistency Checking of Dynamic 
Constraints. 13th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering 
(FASE 2010), pp. 203-217, Paphos, Cyprus, March, 2010, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12029-9_15
Conference Article

D. Dhungana, I. Groher. Genetics as a Role Model for Software Variability Management. Track on New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER), 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009), pp. 239-242, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2009, doi:10.1109/ICSE-COMPANION.2009.5070991
Conference Article
I. Groher, A. Egyed. Selective Backtracking of Model Changes. Track on New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER), 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2009), pp. 231-234, Vancouver, Canada, May, 2009, doi:10.1109/ICSE-COMPANION.2009.5070989
Conference Article
Ch. Schwanninger, I. Groher, Ch. Elsner, M. Lehofer. Variability Modelling 
Throughout the Product Line Lifecycle. Empirical Results Track, 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2009), pp. 685-689, Denver, Colorado, USA, October, 2009, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04425-0_55
Conference Article
I. Groher, M. Voelter. Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Software Product Line Engineering. S. Katz et al. (Eds.): Transactions on AOSD VI, Special Issue on Aspects and Model-Driven Engineering, LNCS 5560, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 111-152, 2009, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03764-1_4
Journal Article

I. Groher, M. Völter, Using Aspects to Model Product Line Variability, Workshop on Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements and Architecture for Product Lines, 12th International Conference on Software Product Lines (SPLC 2008), ISBN 978-1-905952-06-9, pp. 89-95, Limerick, Ireland, September, 2008
Workshop Article
I. Groher, Ch. W. Krueger, Ch. Schwanninger. A Tool-based Approach to Managing Crosscutting Feature Implementations. 7th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD 2008), Brussels, Belgium, 2008
Conference Article

M. Voelter, I. Groher. Product Line Implementation using Aspect-Oriented and Model- Driven Software Development. 11th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2007), pp. 233-242, Kyoto, Japan, September, 2007, doi:10.1109/SPLC.2007.28
Conference Article

M. Kircher, Ch. Schwanninger, I. Groher: Transitioning to a Software Product Family 
 Approach - Challenges and Best Practices. 10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2006), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, August 21-24, 2006, pp. 163-171, IEEE 2006doi:10.1109/SPLINE.2006.1691588.
Conference Article