Generative AI Systems play an increasingly important role in Software Engineering.
Software Quality
Duration: 2023 - 2024
Quantitative measurement of object-oriented design principles (e.g., Single Responsibility Principle, Acyclic Dependency Principle, Information Hiding) directly from the source code.
Software Quality
Duration: 2013 - Ongoing
Methods and tools for effective and efficient evaluation of source code quality based on operational quality models.
Software Quality
Duration: 2005 - Ongoing
Development of various models and tools to enable and enhance value based software engineering with high internal software quality.
Software Quality
Duration: 2022 - 2023
Cost and Value Calucation Service for Software
Software Quality
Duration: 2021 - 2022
Cost and Value Engineering for Software
Software Quality
Duration: 2020 - 2021
Modelling value and software quality on the level of software features in a DevOps context.
Software Quality
Duration: 2018 - 2020
Quality models, extensible frameworks and tools to automatically assess and evaluate the quality of software documentation.
Software Quality
Duration: 2011 - 2014
A comprehensible and operational software quality standard for germany. The standard defines clear guidelines for software development, quality assurance and audit of software systems and therefore establishes reliability for software producers and users.
Software Quality
Duration: 2009 - 2012
Models for categorizing, assessing and evaluating the quality of Mechatronic Objects in Systems Engineering, as well as frameworks for developing and assessing Engineering Strategies.
Software Quality
Duration: 2007 - 2011
Comprehensive SPICE-based model for assessing and evaluating reuse practices in systems engineering for organizations or companies.
Software Quality
Duration: 2004 - 2006
Set of tools for basic support of functional and architectural prototyping based on contracts. Additional support for evolutionary software development and for higher level techniques for requirements elicitation using scenarios is available.
Software Quality
Duration: 1999 - 2004


  • MODELS 24

    Prof. Wimmer, Institute of Business Informatics – Software Engineering and Prof. Egyed, Institute of Software Systems Engineering are organizing the ACM / IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2024), September 22-27, 2024, at the JKU Linz. MODELS’24

  • Renewed Accreditation for Business Informatics at the JKU

    The resulting seal of approval certifies that these academic degree programs are of high educational quality. These degree programs are the only internationally accredited university degree program in Business Informatics in Austria.

  • Studenten Code of Conduct JKU Business School

    Persönliche und akademische Integrität ist im Bildungswesen und in der Wirtschaft von größter Bedeutung. Mit dem Commitment zu unserem Code of Conduct folgen und leben die Studierenden unsere Werte.