Dipl.Ing. Sabine Sint (former Wolny) studied Business Informatics at the TU Wien, where she received her master’s degree in October 2013. The title of her master‘s thesis was “Automatisiertes White-Box Testen für regelbasierte Modelltransformationen” (Automated white-box testing for rule-based model transformations). From 2013 to February 2019, she worked as project assistant at the Research Unit of Building Physics at the Institute of Material Technology, Building Physics, and Building Ecology with focus on project management and development of software solutions. From 2015 to February 2019, Sabine also worked in the Business Informatics Group at the Institute for Information Systems Engineering.
From 2019 until December 2023 Sabine worked on the JKU Linz in the module Reactive Model Repositories of the CDL MINT and on the project “Virtual airport city – Vienna International Airport” in cooperation with TU Wien. Her research interests include SysML-based modeling, execution/simulation of production systems, reverse engineering, data integration, and back propagation of runtime information.
Sabine is currently working as a doctoral student at the Doctoral College Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) of the TU Wien and participated in the innovation course DigiTrans 4.0.