Innovative visualization paradigm for vehicles based on Augmented Reality
The augmented reality (AR) research community has been developing a manifold of ideas and concepts to improve the depiction of virtual objects in a real scene. In contrast, current AR applications require the use of unwieldy equipment which discourages their use. In order to essentially ease the perception of digital information and to naturally interact with the pervasive computing landscape the required AR equipment has to be seamlessly integrated into the user’s natural environment. Considering this basic principle we propose the car as an augmented reality apparatus and present an innovative visualization paradigm for navigation systems that should enhance user interaction.
A car’s windshield can render the metaphor of the augmented reality paradigm and be used to superimpose virtual information in front of the real world outside the car. A camera detects the driver’s eye position and consequently enables the system to appropriately display the augmentation relative to the driver’s height and location on the seat. All the (hybrid) tracking equipment (GPS, wheel sensors, odometer, etc.) is included in the car’s navigation technology, making the car a big accessible and movable see-through display. The user just has to enter it as usual and is immediately able to perceive augmented reality information through the windshield and interact with the system without carrying additional electronic devices or changing any habits. Such a car serves as an example of an augmented reality apparatus that is pervasively integrated into the user’s natural environment and directly available there.
By virtually painting the road in a semi-transparent color the new paradigm eliminates the ambiguity that might arise, e.g., when conventional navigation systems require the driver to turn left with two junctions back to back. Junctions that are hidden from the driver in the real world (e.g., because other vehicles or rises in the landscape restrict the driver’s view) can be made visible via augmented reality. Since the driver is no longer impeded by a constrained view of the current traffic and driving situation while diverting his eyes from the street and looking at the navigation display of conventional navigation systems, he always surveys the road ahead and is capable of recognizing hazards without any delay.

Contact: Wolfgang Narzt
W. Narzt: Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realität, in Peter Rechenberg, Gustav Pomberger (Hrsg) "Informatik-Handbuch", 4. Auflage, Carl Hanser Verlag München Wien, 2006, ISBN: 978-3-446-40185-3.
Book Chapter
W. Narzt, G. Pomberger, A. Ferscha, D. Kolb, R. Müller, J. Wieghardt, H. Hörtner, C. Lindinger: Augmented Reality Navigation Systems, Springer UAIS Journal 'User-Centred Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society', Editor-in-Chief: C. Stephanidis, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 4 (3), pp 177-187, ISBN: 1615-5289 (ISSN), 2006,
Journal Article
G.Pomberger: INSTAR - Prototyp eines Augmented Reality basierten Navigationssystems, Fernsehbeitrag im ORF vom 15.11.2004.
W. Narzt, G. Pomberger, A. Ferscha, D. Kolb, R. Müller, J. Wieghardt, R. Bidner, H. Hörtner, C. Lindinger: "PARIS - Personal Augmented Reality Information System", 2nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services. MobiSys, Boston, Massachusetts, June 6-9, 2004,
Workshop Article
G. Pomberger, W. Narzt: Augmented Reality basierte Informationssysteme , in René Riedl, Thomas Auinger (Hrsg.) "Herausforderungen der Wirtschaftsinformatik", Deutscher Universitätsverlag/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, ISBN: 3-8244-2179-8, pp 193-206, June 2004,
Book Chapter
W. Narzt, G. Pomberger, A. Ferscha, D. Kolb, R. Müller, J. Wieghardt: A New Visualization Concept for Navigation Systems, 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All (UI4All), Vienna, June 28-29, 20004, published in the Springer LNCS Proceedings: User-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society, Vol. 3196 / 2004, ISBN: 3-540-23375-X, pp 440-451, June 2004,
Conference Article
V. Christian, A. Ferscha, W. Narzt, G. Pomberger, D. Kolb, R. Müller, J. Wiegardt, H. Hörtner, Ch. Lindinger, Smart Roads in the Pervasive Computing Landscape, 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Published in: Advances in Pervasive Computing, Austrian Computer Society (OCG) (Hrsg.), ISBN: 3-85403-176-9, pp: 393-396, Vienna, Austria, April 18-23, 2004.
Conference Article
W. Narzt, G. Pomberger, A. Ferscha, D. Kolb, R. Müller, J. Wieghardt, H. Hörtner, C. Lindinger: Pervasive Information Acquisition for Mobile AR-Navigation Systems, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications (WMSCA 2003), Monterey, California, USA, ISBN: 0-7695-1995-4/03, pp 13-20, October 9-10, 2003
Conference Article