Alexandra Mazak-Huemer studied Data Engineering & Statistics, Business Engineering and Computer Science as well as Computer Management at the Vienna University of Technology. Her doctoralthesis, focusing on the research fields of Ontology Engineering and Ontology Alignment, was funded by the FFG program FEMtech based on her work in the projects FINCA (Female Intrapreneurship Career Academy) and FAMOS (Female Academy for Mentoring, Opportunities and Self-Development). Prior to her scientific career, she gained 16 years of experience as an entrepreneur in the field of IT development and database marketing.
She headed the first Junior Studio in the interdisciplinary research field of Cognitive Engineering of the Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH. Back at TU Wien in 2013, she participated in several national and international research projects. Based on her reserach work in InteGra 4.0, an exploratory project focusing on a horizontal and vertical information integration based on industry standards in the context of Industry 4.0, she conceptualized and headed the first multidisicplinary innovaton course for Digital Transformation in Product Development and Production (DigiTrans 4.0) at TU Wien.
Alexandra Mazak-Huemer was heading the module reactive model repositories in the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Model-integrated Smart Production (CDL-MINT). In March 2020, she was appointed as a Full Professor for Digital Transformation in Tunneling at the Chair of Subsurface Engineering at the Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL). In this position she leads the joined research project on an Open Science Platform towards the Digitalization in Subsurface Engineering (“TransIT”) funded by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research. This open science research project is an joint project between MUL, JKU and TUW.
Since January 2022, she is deputy managing director of the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development. She is responsible for the annual report on Austria’s scientific and technological capability and coordinate strategic processes in this context. In addition, Alexandra Mazak-Huemer is responsible for monitoring the transformative innovation-process towards the circular economy in Austria.
Alexandra Mazak-Huemer successfully received her Habilitation in October 2022.