The value of software products can have many different manifestations that often go far beyond pure functionality. For one thing, it can be about purely monetary value, but it can also be about expanding the company’s reach, improving customer loyalty, displacing competitors, or generating other additional benefits for the company or the user. Cost and Value Engineering is a promising approach for addressing such a value-centered perspective without losing sight of expenses.
The value of software products can have many different manifestations that often go far beyond pure functionality. For one thing, it can be about purely monetary value, but it can also be about expanding the company’s reach, improving customer loyalty, displacing competitors, or generating other additional benefits for the company or the user. Cost and Value Engineering is a promising approach for addressing such a value-centered perspective without losing sight of expenses.
In typical Software Engineering courses Software Engineering students learn how to deal with requirements in general, as well as user stories, epics, and other requirements artifacts in the context of agile software development projects.
However, aside from rudimentary planning activities for user stories, they rarely learn to apply good value prioritization techniques. We applied different value prioritization techniques in software engineering courses with good results – students consider this to be important and suitable to apply.
For more information contact a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Reinhold Plösch
A publication about this topic can be found here