R. Plösch, G. Pomberger: Tool Support for Contract-Enhanced Scenarios, Proceedings of TOOLS Eastern Europe Conference 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria, March 13-15, 2000 also published in Technology of Object-Oriented Languages, Systems & Architectures (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Secs 732), March 2003.

Specification of dynamic behavior remains a difficult problem. Although a number of formal approaches currently exist, in most cases they prove unsuitable for a typical project setting with industrial partners. Nevertheless a number of techniques are available that both contribute to software quality and are applicable. The techniques are uses cases (scenarios), contracts and prototyping. We developed a toolset that allows designers to combine scenarios with contract-enriched classes. One of the major advantages is that scenarios can be executed, i.e., scenarios may be executed as prototypes. We believe that this toolset enables more precise scenarios and therefore a better understanding of the system to be developed.

Tool Support for Contract-Enhanced Scenarios