D. Kolovos, M. Wimmer (Hrg.): Theory and Practice of Model Transformations, 8th International Conference, ICMT 2015, L'Aquila, Italy, July, 2015. Proceedings, Springer, LNCS 9152, Springer, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-21154-1, page 231. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-21155-8
This volume contains the papers presented at ICMT 2015: the 8th International Con-ference on Model Transformation held during July 20–21, 2015, in L’Aquila as partof the STAF 2015 (Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations) conferenceseries. ICMT is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners from all areas ofmodel transformation.Model transformation encompasses a variety of technical spaces, including mod-elware, grammarware, dataware, and ontoware, a variety of model representations, e.g.,based on different types of graphs, and a range of transformation paradigms includingrule-based transformations, term rewriting, and manipulations of objects ingeneral-purpose programming languages.The study of model transformation includes transformation languages, tools, andtechniques, as well as properties (such as modularity, composability, and parameteri-zation) of transformations. An important goal of thefield is the development of ded-icated model transformation languages, which can enable the specification of complextransformations in a rigorous manner and at an appropriate level of abstraction.The efficient execution of model queries and transformations by scalable transfor-mation engines on top of large graph data structures is also a key challenge for anincreasing number of application scenarios. Novel algorithms as well as innovative(e.g., distributed) execution strategies and domain-specific optimizations are sought inthis respect. To achieve impact on software engineering in general, methodologies andtools are required to integrate model transformation into existing development envi-ronments and processes.This year, ICMT received 34 submissions.