M. Biagiola, S. Klikovits, J. Peltomäki, V. Riccio: SBFT Tool Competition 2023 - Cyber-Physical Systems Track, 16th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Search-Based and Fuzz Testing, SBFT 2023, Melbourne, Australia, May 14, 2023, Doi: 10.1109/SBFT59156.2023.00010

We report on the organization and results of the third edition of the Cyber-Physical Systems tool competition, held as part of the SBFT workshop. Six tools (i.e., CRAG, EvoMBT, RIGAA, RoadSign, Spirale, and WOGAN) competed with the aim of triggering failures of two autonomous driving agents.We evaluated the effectiveness of the tools in exposing failures as well as the diversity of the generated failures. This report describes our methodology, the competitors, the results, and the challenges we faced while running the competition experiments.

SBFT Tool Competition 2023 – Cyber-Physical Systems Track