A. Mashkoor and J. Sametinger:
Rigorous Modeling and Analysis of Interoperable Medical Devices,
MSM 2016 - Modeling and Simulation in Medicine,
in SpringSim'16 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, Pasadena, CA, USA,
April 3-6, 2016.
Medical Devices (MDs) are by definition safety-critical and increasingly also become security-critical when interoperating, i.e., when communicating in some form. Finding errors, inconsistencies, or vulnerabilities in MDs before deployment can significantly decrease costs and increase quality and reliability. In this paper, we present a rigorous “correct-by-construction” approach for modeling and analyzing interoperating MDs by considering various levels of abstraction, i.e., the functional, the safety, and the security level. The approach is illustrated using sample requirements of a hemodialysis case study.