C. Breu, N. Meckl, J. Sametinger: Project-Based Customer Relationship Management in Virtual Enterprises, VISION: The Journal of Business Perspective, Special Issue: E-Commerce Systems and Management Practices, Vol. 5, pp. 38-45, ISSN 0972-2629, 2001.
DOI: 10.1177/09722629010050s105

The Internet has revolutionized communication among companies and clients. New possibilities for global collaboration among companies on a project basis are possible with virtual enterprises. Virtual enterprises enable new ways of collaboration with clients and their participation in creative and inventive activities of individual products. Furthermore project work with clients allows tight bonds to them and goes beyond traditional forms of customer relationship management.
In this paper we start with an overview of some basic concepts. We then present our approach of web-based project management that can be used for various forms of collaborative activities over the Internet, including customer relationship management. We have successfully used our approach for projects of a digital photography and a middle-class marketing agency. Currently, we are working on an extended platform for virtual enterprises in the area of facility management with many customers as well as sub-contractors.
virtual enterprise, customer relationship management, collaborative systems & applications, web & Internet tools & applications, project management


Project-Based Customer Relationship Management in Virtual Enterprises