E. Bousse, M. Wimmer, W. Schwinger, E. Kapsammer: On Leveraging Executable Language Engineering for Domain-Specific Transformation Languages, 2nd International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2016) colocated at MODELS 2016, Saint-Malo, France; 03.10.2016, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2016) colocated at MODELS 2016, (2016), pages 1 - 3. pdf

An increasing number ofdomain-specific transformation languages(DSTLs) are used to define model transformationsin specific contexts. This shift led to many approaches to definenew DSTLs and associated tools, either through frameworks orcomplete generative approachs. In parallel, the fields of languageengineering and model execution have seen the development ofmany approaches to efficiently define newexecutable domain-specific modeling languages(xDSMLs), and to provide tools(e.g., editor, debugger) for any newly defined xDSML. In thisposition paper, we propose to study how the engineering ofDSTLs could benefit from state-of-the-art xDSML engineeringapproaches. We first demonstrate why a DSTL is an xDSMLwith specific characteristics. We then give a selection of researchdirections to apply xDSML engineering approaches on DSTLs.Index Terms—model transformation, domain-specific transformation languages, language engineering, model execution.

On Leveraging Executable Language Engineering for Domain-Specific Transformation Languages