Web-based services provide a medium for the creation of simple but useful applications called mashup web applications, web mashups or mashups for short.
Web mashups are web pages or applications that create new services by combining data and services from two or more sources. Mashups stand for easy and fast integration and produce results not foreseen by the producers of the source data. Typically, mashups make existing data more useful for either personal or professional use.
In this report we describe concepts of technologies of web mashups. Among others, we’ll have a look at protocols, data formats, and integration techniques. We’ll differentiate client-side and server-side mashups and introduce technologies and tools that are used for their creation.
Concrete mashups include Google Maps, Facebook’s Like button, PayPal’s express checkout, and others. will demonstrate various mashup aspects from data and service integration to authentication and authorization. Mashups like Facebook’s Like It button and Google Analytics give an impression of how these companies manage to collect vast quantities of information about web users.
04/2011 – 09/2011
Funding Siemens AG
Contact Johannes Sametinger