Gustav Pomberger is Professor Emeritus and was Head of the Department of Business Informatics – Software Engineering at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz of a periode from 1987 to 2017. He is married and father of two children.
His resume begins with a degree in electrical engineering. After nine years of experience in industry, he made a career change to academia. After his dissertation he transferred to a postdoctoral position with Professor Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zurich. In 1983 he was appointed professor of computer science at the University of Zurich. In 1987 he was simultaneously offered positions at ETH Zurich, the Technical University of Vienna, and Johannes Kepler University of Linz. He chose Linz.
From 1992 to 1999 Pomberger led the Christian Doppler Research Laboratory for Software Engineering. Currently he is member of the senate of the Christian Doppler Research Society, the University Council of the Kunstuniversität Linz – University for artistic und industrial Design, the advisory board of Siemens Technology Accelerator Munich, and the boards of supervisors of the Ars Electronica Center and Software Competence Center Hagenberg.
Pomberger has received the following awards: Austrian Computer Society Award for Particular Scientific Achievement (1985), Fellow of the Christian Doppler Research Society (2002) and the Upper Austrian Science Award (2006).
Besides his teaching activities at the Johannes Kepler University (bachelor, master and PhD programs in business informatics and master program in computer science), Pomberger is lecturer at the University of Applied Science in Hagenberg. His basic research focuses on the design of high-quality software architectures and the systematic organization of software development processes, his applied research currently concentrates on the design of software architectures for augmented and virtual reality based embedded systems (such as navigation systems, local and context-based services) and the design and implementation of cyber-physical systems. In the broader field of business informatics, his current research emphases are the design and implementation of quality management systems, the diagnosis of the effectiveness and efficiency of IT systems, and the migration of IT systems and organizations.
Pomberger is author of more than 100 scientific publications (books and papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conference proceedings).