+43 732 2468 4260

D. Lehner, R. Dunkel: Digital Twins for IoT Systems: Exploiting Synergies between Industry and Academia, 4th International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS) colocated with STAF 2024 , July 8-11, 2024, Enschede, Netherlands. abstract
Conference Article
F. Gemeinhardt, D. Lehner, M. Wimmer: Towards Quantum-based Graph Matching for IoT Systems, 4th International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MeSS) colocated with STAF 2024, July 8-11, 2024, Enschede, Netherlands. abstract
Conference Article
D. Lehner, J. Pfeiffer, S. Klikovits, A. Wortmann, M. Wimmer: A Method for Template-based Architecture Modeling: and its Application to Digital Twins, Journal of Object Technology, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2024. Doi: 10.5381/jot.2024.22.3.a8
Journal Article

D. Lehner: A Model-Driven Platform for Engineering Holistic Digital Twins, Best Paper Award, Doctoral Symposium, 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2023, Västeras, Schweden, October 1-6, 2023. Doi: 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00045
Conference Article
R. Jayaraman, D. Lehner, S. Klikovits, M. Wimmer: Towards Generating Model-Driven Speech Interfaces for Digital Twins, ModDit 2023, colocated with 26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2023, Västeras, Schweden, October 1-6, 2023. 10.1109/MODELS-C59198.2023.00080
Conference Article
D. Lehner, S. Gil, P.H. Mikkelsen, P.G. Larsen, M. Wimmer: An Architectural Extension for Digital Twin Platforms to Leverage Behavioral Models, 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2023), Cordis, Auckland, New Zealand, August 26-30, 2023, pages 1-8. Doi: 10.1109/CASE56687.2023.10260417
Conference Article
D. Lehner, S. Sint, M. Eisenberg, M. Wimmer: A Pattern Catalog for Augmenting Digital Twin Models with Behavior, in Journal at - Automatisierungstechnik, Mai 2023, pdf. Doi: 10.1515/auto-2022-0144/html
Journal Article
D. Lehner: Digitale Zwillinge - viele Tools, ein Überblick in iX Magazine, page 88, April 2023. article
Journal Article
J. Pfeiffer, D. Lehner, A. Wortmann, M. Wimmer: Towards a Product Line Architecture for Digital Twins, 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2023), L' Aquila, Italy, March 13-17, 2023. poster presentation

D. Lehner, J. Bergsmann: Next-Level Unit Testing: Entwicklungsqualität steigern, Talk, Konferenz German Testing Day Digital, 3. Mai 2022 virtual. program
M. Eisenberg, D.Lehner, R. Sindelar, M. Wimmer: Towards Reactive Planning with Digital Twins and Model-Driven Optimization, in T. Margaria, B. Steffen, (eds): Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, Practice, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 13704, Springer, Cham, 11th International Symposium, ISoLA 2022, Rhodes, Greece, October 22–30, 2022. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-19762-8_5, pdf
Conference Article
L. Cleophas, T. Godfrey, D.E. Khelladi, D. Lehner, B. Combemale, M. v. Brand, M. Vierhauser, M. Wimmer, S. Zschaler: A Community-Sourced View on Engineering Digital Twins: A Report from the EDT.Community, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, October, 2022, pages 481-485. Doi: 10.1145/3550356.3561549
Conference Article
D. Lehner, S. Vamberszky, D. Siegl: Git-basiertes Qualitätsmonitoring und von Systems Engineering Modellen, TdSE 2022, Tag des Systems Engineering, Paderborn, Deutschland, 16.-18. November 2022, TdSE_programm, TdSE2022_paper_3016
Conference Article
D. Lehner: Digitale Zwillinge: Tool-Überblick und Anwendung in Azure Digital Twins, Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik (iX), heise, Volume 5, page 140, Mai 2022. article
Journal Article
D. Lehner: Prozessoptimierung mit digitalen Zwillingen, Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik (iX), heise, volume 3, page 98, March 2022. article
Journal Article
J. Pfeiffer, D. Lehner, A. Wortmann. M. Wimmer: Modeling Capabilities of Digital Twin Platforms - Old Wine in New Bottles?, 18th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, co-located with STAF 2022, Nantes, France, 6-7 July 2022. article
Conference Article
D. Lehner, S. Vamberszky, K. Lieber, D. Siegl: Git-based Model Management for Quality Monitoring of Systems Engineering Models, 32nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium (IS2022), Detroit, MI, USA June 25-30,2022. Doi: 10.1002/iis2.12983
Conference Article
D. Lehner: Die nächste Generation des Unit Testing, Software Quality Days (SWQS 2022) , Vienna, Austria, May 19, 2022. SQWD_Vortrag
D. Lehner, J. Pfeiffer, E. Tinsel, M. Strljic. S. Sint, M Vierhauser, A. Wortmann, M. Wimmer: Digital Twin Platforms: Requirements, Capabilities, and Future Prospects, Journal IEEE Software, Volume 39, Issue 2, pages 53-61, March-April 2022. Doi: 10.1109/MS.2021.3133795
Journal Article

H. Govindasamy, R. Jayaraman, B. Taspinar, D. Lehner, M. Wimmer: Air Quality Management: An Exemplar for Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering, First International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins, ModDiT’21 co-located with MODELS 2021, Fukuoka, Japan, October 10-15, 2021. paper
Conference Article
D. Lehner, A. Garmendia, M. Wimmer: Towards Flexible Evolution of Digital Twins with Fluent APIs, ETFA 2021 - IEEE 26th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, September 7-10, 2021, Vasteras, Schweden, virtual event. pdf
Conference Article
D. Lehner, S. Sint, M. Vierhauser, W. Narzt, M. Wimmer: AML4DT: A Model-Driven Framework for Developing and Maintaining Digital Twins with AutomationML, 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ), Vasteras, Sweden, September 7-10, 2021, virtual event, pages 1-8. Doi: 10.1109/ETFA45728.2021.9613376
Conference Article
D. Lehner, D. Theil: Künstliche Intelligenz im Unit Testing - Cleverer Ersatz, Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik, Volume 8, pages 50-54, August 2021, article
Journal Article

D. Lehner, S. Wolny, A. Mazak-Huemer, M. Wimmer: Towards a Reference Architecture for Leveraging Model Repositories for Digital Twins, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2020, Vienna, Austria, September 8-11, 2020, pages 1077-1080. pdf
Conference Article