M. Stadler, M. Riegler, J. Sametinger: Cyber-Resilient Edge Computing: A Holistic Approach with Multi-Level MAPE-K Loops, IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Architecture Companion, Hyderabad, India, June 4-8, 2024 (ICSA-C), pages 79-83, Doi: 10.1109/ICSA-C63560.2024.00020

As edge computing continues to play a pivotal role in modern computing architectures, ensuring robust cybersecurity becomes imperative. This paper introduces our emerging results on a comprehensive approach to bolster the cyber-resilience of edge computing systems by incorporating the MAPE-K (Monitor, Analyze, Plan, Execute, and Knowledge) loop. The proposed methodology involves the application of the MAPE-K loop at different levels of an edge computing architecture, aiming to create a holistic defense mechanism against cyber attacks. We present a prototype of our framework and assess its viability and efficacy by leveraging real-world edge devices deployed in an industrial production setting. Initial evidence from our results suggests that this novel approach leads us to reconsider how we construct more resilient edge computing architectures.

Cyber-Resilient Edge Computing: A Holistic Approach with Multi-Level MAPE-K Loops