M. Eisenberg, A. Sahay, D. Di Ruscio, L. Iovino, M. Wimmer, A. Pierantonio: Multi-objective model transformation chain exploration with MOMoT, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Volume 174, pages 107500, 2024. Doi: 10.1016/j.infsof.2024.107500
The increasing complexity of modern systems leads to an increasing amount of artifacts that are used along the model-based software and systems development lifecycle. This also includes model transformations, which serve for mapping models between representations, e.g., for verification and validation purposes.
Model repositories manage this variety of artifacts and promote reusability, but should also enable the bundling of compatible artifacts. Therefore, model transformations should be reused and arranged into transformation chains to support more complex transformation scenarios. The resulting transformation should correspond to the user’s interest in terms of quality criteria such as model coverage, transformation coverage, and number of transformation steps, thus assembling such chains becomes a multi-objective problem.
A novel multi-objective approach for exploring possible transformation chains residing in model repositories is presented. MOMoT, a model-driven optimization framework, is leveraged to explore the transformation space spanned by the repository. For demonstration, three differently populated repositories are considered.
We have extended MOMoT with an exhaustive, multi-objective search that explores the entire model transformation space defined by graph transformation rules, allowing all possible transformation chains to be considered as solution. Accordingly, the optimal solutions were identified in the demonstration cases with negligible computation time.