Johannes Sametinger is Associate Professor at the Department of Information Systems – Software Engineering at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. His research interests include various aspects of software engineering with a recent focus on software security, i.e., the development of software that functions correctly and as intended even if under malicious attack.
Sametinger has made several research visits to universities in the United States (Texas A&M University 1995, Brown University 1996, University of Arizona 2013/2014) and Canada (University of Toronto 1993, Université de Montréal 1999). He also worked as a software developer at Siemens in Munich/Germany (1986/1987) and as a professor at the University of Regensburg/Germany (2000/2001). Besides the JKU, he gave lectures at the German universities of Regensburg, Konstanz and Passau as well as at the Austrian University of Applied Science in Hagenberg.
Sametinger is author two books as well as dozens of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and International conference proceedings. He is a member of ACM and IEEE.
Misc.: Finished a few marathons; Received a private pilot license; Received an acrobatic glider license; Played electric guitar in a band; Played trombone in a wind and a classic orchestra.